Make a good first impression with your customers by greeting them with a clean parking area and the proper signage. After all, your parking lot is the first thing your customers or potential tenants see when they approach your property. If your apartment parking lot is damaged, with barely visible striping, just imagine what potential tenants think the inside of your apartments must be like. If your shopping mall parking lot is in disrepair, with hard-to-see striping, you could actually be losing customers who’ll have a bad first impression and take their business elsewhere.
But, there is one relatively easy way to improve the condition of your property. Even if you can’t afford entirely new pavement, chances are you can afford to have your existing parking lot repaired and have a new coat of striping added. You’ll be amazed at the difference and so will your potential tenants or customers!

Pioneer Paving & Grading, Inc. will design and layout your parking area to ensure effective traffic flow, safety and compliance with A.D.A. regulations.
Contact us now for a free estimate tailored to your needs!